How does business work?
For many entrepreneurs, finance is one of the biggest challenges they need to overcome in order to succeed. How Does Business Work? challenges entrepreneurs to become comfortable with this business skill by analysing key management accounts, and by building systems around cash flow, debtors and creditors, as well as pricing.
How do I get in the Door?
Sales are the lifeblood of any entrepreneurial business. How Do I Get in the Door? introduces entrepreneurs to the stages of the sales cycle, and assists them to sell more of their product or service by implementing each stage of the cycle in their own businesses.
Business Case Developer

Module One Module Two Business Overview The Market In the first module, we begin the journey of building out our own business modelling and planning document – the Business Think document. We focus on your business’s history, values, vision and mission, and work on building out your business model and reviewing your management structure. Finally, […]
Scent in the Voyages

Beast creature days. This response is important for our ability to learn from mistakes, but it alsogives rise to self-criticism, because it is part of the threat-protection system. In other words, what keeps us safe can go too far, and keep us too safe. In fact it can trigger self-censoring. One touch of a red-hot […]
Secrets of the Serpents

Module 1 – Sales Tools In the first module, we take the first step in your sales journey by completing a gap analysis that will form the foundation of your sales strategy. You will also work through three key sales tools that will become part of your sales arsenal. Module 2 – The basics of […]